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Chapter 8

Working Stage

The Power in Self-Disclosures 

Issue 1

Self-disclosure requires a willingness to become vulnerable; to reveal oneself and become known. Self-disclosures are an expected practice within the working phase as they are integral healing force that deepens self-awareness, personal reflection, and learning. Leaders need to facilitate, teach, and maintain the delicate balance of self-disclosure – having too much or too little can be counterproductive. Each leader’s theoretical framework will guide their practice of personal disclosures to group members. To me, I embrace the importance of sharing myself. I embrace the power it gives to model, deepen trust, be real, and connect through humanness (Corey et al., 2018). 

Learning to Give and Receive Feedback

Issue 2

Learning, deep reflection, and intimacy are facilitated within group through integration of self-disclosure and feedback. Acquiring the ability to give and receive feedback is a skill that will serve members well when transferred into real life practice. Motivation to change is increased through feedback as it opens the door of self-awareness, increasing members understanding of the impact their behaviour has on others. Feedback should be honest, yet sensitive so it can be considered without defensiveness and embraced by the member (Corey et al., 2018). 

Beginning with Care and Acceptance

Issue 3

Care is demonstrated by attentive listening and engagement. It is expressed with sensitivity, tenderness, compassion, empathy, and confrontation. Care is revealed by being present with others, with a willingness to sit with them in their pain. A lack of care and concern emitted by leaders or members is easily felt and causes people to withdraw and retreat to safety where they are no longer vulnerable. Genuine care implies acceptance which is a universal human need. Care and acceptance both provide validation and affirmation that honours the experience of others. Both care and acceptance are vital components to foster group cohesion and promote successful outcomes (Corey et al., 2018).

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